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Maui Bus route and fare changes announced

By Staff | Jun 18, 2021

WAILUKU — Beginning Thursday, July 1, a $25 fixed route reduced monthly bus pass will be available for purchase by Maui Bus riders who are seniors (55 and older), paratransit eligible and persons with certified disability fixed route cards, Medicare cardholders and students with valid ID 24 years old and younger.

The change combines fixed route senior, student and persons with disability monthly passes into a single pass called a Reduced Monthly Pass for $25.

Certified disabilities fixed route applicants shall be required to register with Maui Economic Opportunity Inc. to qualify for this rate. Contact MEO at (808) 249-2900 for an application and information.

Other fares for fixed routes and commuter services will remain unchanged. All monthly and daily passes will no longer be available for ADA Paratransit Service. The $2 one-way fare option will remain.

A 12-Ride (one-way trip) ticket book will be available for purchase for $20. The ticket book is valid from July 1, 2021, through June 30, 2022. Children five years and under travel free and must be accompanied by a paying passenger for fixed routes only.

The Maui Bus fare changes are part of the recommendations provided by the Maui Bus Rates & Fee Study. The study also considered recommendations from the Maui Short Range Transit Plan and Performance and Fiscal Audits of the Department of Transportation. The final Maui Bus Rates & Fee Study is available at www.gettingonboardmauibus.com.

Also beginning July 1:

The Maui Bus Fixed Route Service will resume for Kihei Villager Route #15 and the Kaanapali Islander Route #25.

Maui Bus Commuter Service will resume for the Makawao-Kapalua Commuter, Kihei-Kapalua Commuter, Haiku-Wailea Commuter, and the Wailuku-Kapalua #3 and #4.

Please note that all times for the reinstated routes will go back to pre-COVID routing and time schedule.

The department will also be launching its safety survey campaign.

The department welcomes any safety-related inquires or concerns to be submitted to public.transit@mauicounty.gov. As a reminder, federal mandates require masks to be worn at all times while using public transportation.

This includes waiting at bus stops, and boarding and riding the Maui Buses. Face masks must cover both nose and mouth.

For more information, contact the Maui County Department of Transportation at 270-7511 or send an e-mail to public.transit@mauicounty.gov.

Follow the bus on Instagram at @themauibus.