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Pacific Whale Foundation holding Virtual Ocean Camp

By Staff | Jul 16, 2020

MAALAEA – In response to the success of Pacific Whale Foundation’s first two sessions of Virtual Ocean Camp, the program will continue through July as PWF remains steadfast in offering schoolchildren in grades 1-5 engaging educational content and ocean awareness while observing critical COVID-19 safety standards.

“Given the unprecedented situation we find ourselves in and the importance of maintaining strong connections to the environment, we are excited to extend our Virtual Ocean Camp,” said PWF Education Manager Robyn Ehrlich.

PWF Education Specialist Rebecca Lewis, who serves as camp instructor, worked closely with families and PWF leadership in developing this new virtual program that keeps keiki excited about ecology and marine conservation.

Each uniquely themed week-long session includes daily science lessons, team-building games and other activities, expressive crafts and nature-based inquiry.

The format features an hour-and-a-half of face-to-face interaction with PWF’s professional educators and other campers via a password-protected online visual communication platform that encourages group participation. In addition, campers are given optional daily activities to engage in away from the computer, which they can share with the instructor and other participants the following day.

“We had a blast participating in Pacific Whale Foundation’s Virtual Ocean Camp in June,” said Kiaora Bohlool, whose daughter, Kiana, recently completed a Virtual Ocean Camp session.

“Not only did we learn about some very memorable marine- and Earth-related topics, but also enjoyed great games and fun connections with kids from around the country during the virtual interaction segment, followed by really cool crafts and creative (offline) activities that Kiana and I did together.”

The next Virtual Ocean Camps take place July 20-24 and 27-31 with sessions at 9 a.m. and 12 p.m., each lasting approximately two hours.

Registration for individual week-long sessions is $75 ($60 for PWF members). Each session can accommodate up to 15 students. For information on each session’s specific theme, visit pacificwhale.org/education/ocean-camp.

“All sessions comprise several activities designed to keep kids hopping while they’re learning,” Ehrlich explained. “We’ll have hands-on opportunities for movement either conducted while standing up near the computer or doing something like a scavenger hunt throughout their house. What we don’t want is children just sitting in front of the computer screen listening to someone talk for an hour- and-a-half.”

For more information, or to sign up for a session, go to pacificwhale.org/education/ocean-camp, contact the Education Department at (808) 856-8341 or e-mail education@pacificwhale.org.