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Naehu-Saffery ‘Ohana Association planning reunion

By Staff | Jun 29, 2017

WAILUKU – Descendants of Judge and schooner Capt. Edmund Saffery (1806-1874) and wives Kupuna Naehu and Waiki Kawaawaaiki Naehu (1828-1900) of Olowalu are having a family reunion, bringing together ‘ohana from their combined 14 children on Labor Day Weekend (Sept. 1-3) at Wailuku Community Center.

T-shirt and luau tickets are on sale through June 30.

Registration forms can be found at www.SafferyOhana.org.

This event is being organized by the Naehu-Saffery `Ohana Association. The (14) children and their families include: Fanny (John Kaiaokamalie); Edmund Jr. (Emalia Wallace); Henry (Kahua Kaanaana); Caroline (Garcia Frank); William (Emily Cockett and Jennie Makekau); John (Lucy Kahalelio and Rebecca Nahooikaika); Thomas (Mary Luna Kina); Mary (Daniel Palena); Emma (William Pogue); Analani (Joseph Kealoha and Daniel Nahaku); Juliann (Antoine Freitas); Charles (Emma Hawele and Catherine Kauwahi); Helen (George Tripp); and Emmalia Nellie (Louise Ernestberg, George Conradt).

For more information, contact Donna HueSing-Curimao at 264-3178 or by e-mail at meleana1839 @hotmail.com.

Follow the Naehu-Saffery ‘Ohana Association on Facebook.