Lahaina Baptist Church to welcome new pastor

Lahaina Baptist Church will soon welcome new Pastor Jay Wright and his family.
LAHAINA – Lahaina Baptist Church last week announced the call of Pastor Jay Wright to its church community.
He will deliver his first message on July 19 at the 8 and 10:15 a.m. services.
A senior pastor for more than 18 years, Wright “has a strong vision to reach the lost, equip the saved, and reach the world with the Gospel of Jesus Christ,” Lahaina Baptist Church noted.
Wright earned a Doctor of Ministry Degree from Denver Seminary, a Master’s Degree in Divinity from Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary, and a Bachelor of Arts Degree from Point Loma Nazarene University.
He is currently a leader of the Boy Scouts and Fatherhood Initiative, and Wright serves as chaplain for the Steamboat Springs Ski Club.
He serves on the board of directors with Young Life and the Lift Up Food Bank in Colorado.
Pastor Jay and his wife, Joy, have three sons, ages eight, 16 and 17.
Lahaina Baptist Church is located at 209 Shaw St. in Lahaina. Call 661-3725.