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COMMUNITY NEWS for September 11 issue

By Staff | Sep 11, 2014

Na Hoku Hanohano Award winner Benny Uyetake performed his style of blues with a twist of jazz at Teddy’s Bigger Burgers in Lahaina on Aug. 31 to a full house in celebration of the fourth annual Maui Jazz & Blues Festival held in West Maui.

Commission creating plan for Kaho’olawe

LAHAINA – Special screenings of “Standing on Sacred Ground: Islands of Sanctuary,” followed by discussion of a collaborative plan for Kaho’olawe, are slated on Maui.

Free events will be held from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on Sept. 11 at Lihikai Elementary School and Sept. 18 at Lahaina Civic Center.

This short film will precede a presentation and exchange regarding the new draft of “I Ola Kanaloa,” a strategic plan for the Kaho’olawe Island Reserve through 2026 developed over the past year through a collaboration of the Kaho’olawe Island Reserve Commission, Protect Kaho’olawe ‘Ohana and the Office of Hawaiian Affairs.

For information, visit www.iolakanaloa.org. To register, e-mail kmchugh@kirc.hawaii.gov.

King Kamehameha III Elementary School recently received a large school supply donation from the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunset, Rotary Club of Lahaina and the Rotary Club of Lahaina Sunrise. The school thanked all the members for their generous and continued support for the Lahaina schools. Pictured (from left) are Jim Fahnestock, Mila Salvador, Heidi Dollinger, Katie Zimmerman, Sue Sargent and Jackie Favors.


Lahaina sign meeting postponed due to lack of quorum

WAILUKU – The Sept. 4 meeting of the Maui County Cultural Resources Commission was postponed due to a lack of quorum.

The CRC is expected to continue its discussion, and possibly approve, proposed revisions to the design guidelines for signs in the Lahaina Historic Districts at its next meeting on Thursday, Oct. 2, at 10:30 a.m. in the Planning Department Conference Room in the Kalana Pakui building at 250 South High St. in Wailuku.

To view the proposed guidelines, visit www.mauicounty.gov/Planning, then select “Draft Lahaina Sign Design Guidelines” under the “Hot Topics” header.

Leon Russell will perform on Wednesday, Sept. 17, at 7:30 p.m. in the Maui Arts & Cultural Center's Castle Theater. Rock & Roll Hall of Famer, music legend and cultural icon Russell will return to the islands on his “Life Journey Tour” to promote his new release. The new album follows “The Union,” 2010’s hit duet CD with Elton John. Russell was the magic and inspiration behind such music greats as Joe Cocker with Delaney and Bonnie on the famous Mad Dogs and Englishmen Tour in the late 1960s. Russell wrote Joe Cocker's big hit “Delta Lady,” and his own hits include “Back To The Island,” “Hummingbird,” “Tight Rope,” “A Song For You,” “Roll Away The Stone,” “Lady Blue,” and “This Masquerade.” Tickets are $45, $50 or $60; call 242-SHOW.

For more information, call the Department of Planning at 270-7735.


Cat spay/neuter clinics slated

9th Life Hawaii holds frequent Free/Low-Cost Cat Spay/Neuter Clinics. The next clinic will be held on Saturday, Sept 27.

All cats are welcome except pregnant cats. The suggested donation is $35. In hardship situations, the service is always free.

The Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary sponsors “45-Ton Talk” photo-video talk story presentations about humpback whales from 11 a.m. to noon on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at the Whalers Village Museum in Kaanapali, and Tuesdays at the Old Lahaina Courthouse Theater. Admission is free; call 879-2818. Knowledgeable docents talk about these fascinating and gentle giants of the ocean. Learn about humpback whales, why they make their annual return to Hawaii from Alaska, and what they do while they are here. The information includes the latest from researchers and scientists. Additional talks are held from 11 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Sanctuary Visitor Center at 726 S. Kihei Road in Kihei.

Volunteers can pick up cats on the West Side and transport them to the clinic. Cats are returned the same day. It’s important to sterilize male cats to eliminate spraying and fighting. Call 573-3365 for information.


Art event slated during Second Friday Town Party

LAHAINA – Lahaina’s Second Friday Town Party on Sept. 12 will feature the second annual Draw the Line in Campbell Park. Whether you can draw a stick man or a beautiful Lahaina landscape, come participate at the art tables.

Bring your family and friends, share art skills with one another and help create the 30-foot Lahaina community collaborative art piece.

At the recent Emma Farden Sharpe Hula Festival, Aunty Moana Dudoit of Molokai was honored, posthumously, for her role as a pillar in the hula community and for her dedication to hula. The award was presented on behalf of LahainaTown Action Committee, Lahaina Hawaiian Civic Club, County of Maui and Smythe Fujiwara Design. Kumu hula present at the festival were invited to add their mana and be part of the ceremony. PHOTO BY JAYDON ISOBE.

Event participants will also have the opportunity to take home a unique piece of Lahaina artwork. Three local Lahaina artists will be in the park customizing hats once they are purchased. Attendees can also customize their own hats with the materials provided.

In celebration of The Feast of San Gennaro, the town party will include Lahaina’s Italian Food Festival. Welcome Lahaina’s newest Italian restaurants, Sale Pepe, Pi Artisan Pizza, and Prison Street Pizza, while celebrating local favorites Longhi’s and Penne Pasta. Participating restaurants Penne Pasta, Longhi’s, Ono Gelato and Prison Street Pizza will present a menu item either to sample or sell.

Enjoy Hawaiian music and hula on the main stage with Maui Jam from 5 to 8 p.m. The Hawaiian Civic Club (sponsored by Betty’s Beach Cafe) and Boys & Girls Club-Lahaina (sponsored by Leilani’s) will also sell ono food in the park across from the Pioneer Inn. Coordinated by LahainaTown Action Committee, festivities will be held in Campbell Park from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Call 667-9175.

Lahaina Restoration Foundation will celebrate the harvest season at its Chinese Moon Festival at the Wo Hing Museum on Sept. 12 and 13 (see article on page 14).

The Outlets of Maui will host Maui Humane Society for a pet fair from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Adoptions and spay or neuter services will be offered for 50 percent off, and microchips will be available for $10.

Check www.mauifridays.com for the latest event listings.


Free teacher workshop to showcase West Maui conservation efforts

KIHEI – Teachers from grades 6-12 are invited to participate in a free educational workshop aimed at informing them about and involving them in ongoing reef and watershed conservation efforts in West Maui.

The workshop will be held Oct. 11 and 18 at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary (726 South Kihei Road), and on Oct. 25 at Kahekili Beach Park in North Kaanapali for a day of field explorations. There will be a fourth instructional day to plan projects determined by those in attendance.

The theme of the workshop is “mauka to makai water quality issues and watershed stewardship;” teachers will learn about rain gardens, storm-water, turbidity testing (water clarity) and the Kahekili Herbivore Fisheries Management Area. They will have the opportunity to explore a “virtual reef” created by the organization ReefQuest.

CORAL, in partnership with the West Maui Ridge to Reef Initiative, Hawaii whale sanctuary, Division of Aquatic Resources, Roth Ecological Design & Consulting, Water Institute for Sustainability Education, and Aquanimity Now, is coordinating the series and will facilitate ongoing involvement for teachers to support them in implementing projects in their classrooms, as well as provide stipends for materials and supplies they will need to carry out these projects with their students.

Priority for these stipends will be offered to the first 15 West Maui-based teachers registered who complete the workshop. For more information, or to register, e-mail Liz Foote at Lfoote@ coral.org or call (808) 669-9062.


Theatre classes offered at Lahaina Intermediate School

LAHAINA – Do your children attend Lahaina Intermediate School? Are they ready for some no-cost after-school theatre classes with the “Drama Queen,” Miss Kristi Scott?

Theatre Theatre Maui is teaming up again with Lahaina Intermediate School and the Lahaina Complex After School Tutor Project on select Mondays from Sept. 22 to Dec. 15 from 2:50 to 4 p.m. to provide free after-school drama classes with Scott, a local theater arts director, actress and instructor.

Registration flyers are available in the Lahaina Intermediate School office. Registration is available to LIS students.

Parents may contact Angie at Theatre Theatre Maui at (808) 214-7443 or 661-1168 (office), or by e-mail at angie@ttmwestmaui.org, to register.


About Boating Safely course set

KIHEI – The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary will offer an introductory two-day About Boating Safely course on Friday, Sept. 12, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. and Saturday, Sept. 13, from 7:45 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Hawaiian Islands Humpback Whale National Marine Sanctuary building at 726 S. Kihei Road.

This course includes general information about choosing and maintaining a boat, operating a boat or personal watercraft safely, navigation rules and aids to navigation, handling boating emergencies and much more.

Both Friday (State Law Addendum) and Saturday (ABS Course) are required for Hawaii licensing. The cost of the class is $40, payable the first night by cash or check. Friday is free if you have a current ABS card or are enrolled in Saturday’s ABS class. Books are provided by the state Department of Land & Natural Resources. Boat insurance may be discounted with completion of this course – check with your carrier. The instructors are all trained by the Coast Guard Auxiliary and volunteer their time to promote safe boating.

To register for the class online, go to mauiboatclass.com. For information, call Phylecia at (808) 214-2118.