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COMMUNITY NEWS for March 27 issue

By Staff | Mar 27, 2014

Kimanh Nguyen of Kimberly’s Jewelry recently re-opened in her previous location (Space #139) at The Wharf Cinema Center. Kimberly’s Jewelry features beautiful Hawaiian Heirloom, 14-karat Italian gold, and diamond and gemstone jewelry. She also offers jewelry repair and can replace watch batteries. The store is open daily from 9 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. For more information, call 661-9707 or visit www.thewharfcinemacenter.com.

Dr. Wayne Dyer to speak at Seabury Hall

MAKAWAO – Dr. Wayne Dyer will present “I Can See Clearly Now,” A Journey to Divine Love, on Friday, April 4, from 6 to 9 p.m. in Seabury Hall’s Creative Arts Center.

At the event, a benefit for Seabury Hall’s financial aid program, Dyer will share his own life struggles, strife and rear view reflections as an example of how we can all recognize the hand of the divine at play in our lives.

You’ll be inspired to reflect on your own obstacles to see clearly how everything you’ve experienced has led you to where you are right now, and ultimately, how it was necessary for you to reach your true divine potential.

Dyer has spent years working on the “manual on the art of living,” and he will share some of its most valuable lessons during this unique and life-changing lecture.

The Maui Arts & Cultural Center’s Solos Sessions will continue with Colin Hay in the McCoy Studio Theater at 7:30 p.m. on Saturday, March 29. Hay may be best known as the lead singer for Men At Work, the platinum selling Australian band that topped worldwide charts in the 1980s with anthems like “Down Under,” “Overkill” and “Who Can It Be Now?” Hay’s justifiably proud of that place in pop history, but since moving to Los Angeles in 1989, he’s made 11 solo albums and is equally at home in the studio or on stage, playing with either his band or solo acoustic. He said, “I started off playing acoustic; it’s my natural game. It’s the point I started from and may well be the point I end with. It’s always what I return to.” Tickets are $45 or $65; call 242-SHOW.

For tickets, visit www.seaburyhall.com.


Seminar to cover payroll pitfalls

KAHULUI – The Maui Chapter of the American Payroll Association is offering a half-day seminar on Friday, April 11, from 8 to 11 a.m. at the Maui Arts & Cultural Center entitled “Payroll Mistakes That Can Land You in HOT Water! How to Avoid Getting Burned by Costly Mistakes.”

The presenters will be Lauraine Bifulco, principal of Vantaggio HR Ltd., and John Knorek, a partner with Torkildson, Katz, Moore, Herrington, and Harris.

Kahana Canoe Club paddling season registration will be held at 8 a.m. on Saturday, March 29, at Canoe Beach for keiki and adults. Registration is free for keiki. Youth practices are held Monday, Tuesday and Thursday at 3:30 p.m. and Saturday at 8 a.m. Adult practices are held Monday, Wednesday and Thursday at 7 a.m. or 5 p.m. and Saturday at 10 a.m. Visit www.kahanacanoeclub.com/? for information.

During this fast-paced session, learn how to master Hawaii and federal legal principles governing the payment of wages and how to avoid liability in this highly litigated area of the law.

The fee of $25 includes a continental breakfast beginning at 8 a.m., with the session starting at 8:30 a.m.

Registration and payments are due by Friday, April, 4. Make checks payable to the APA Hawaii Chapter and send to Outrigger Hotels Hawaii, Attention Jane Inouye, 2375 Kuhio Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96815.

For more information, call Jane Inouye at (808) 921-6563.


The Front Street Jazz & Blues Festival will return to Lahaina on May 2-3. Ron Metoyer and Bill Burton are coordinating the annual event. Volunteers and sponsors are sought. Call 661-0202 for information. Great new faces will play at the festival. More information is coming soon. Melveen Leed is pictured performing at the Pioneer Inn last year.

TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall announces inaugural event

MAKAWAO – On Sunday, April 6, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., TEDxYouth@ SeaburyHall will host its inaugural event in Seabury Hall’s A’ali’ikuhonua Creative Arts Center.

Admission is $25 per person; tickets can be purchased at www.tedxyouthseaburyhall.com. A box lunch will be provided during the event’s lunch break. As the event is by youth, for youth, admission is limited to 100 students.

“mailto:TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall”>TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall‘s talented and passionate group of presenters will open up your mind to new ways of thinking and inspire you to imagine a better tomorrow,” said Jasmine Doan, event club founder.

The theme of the event is “Imagining a Better Tomorrow.” Twelve eighth through 12th grade speakers representing intermediate and high schools across Maui will discuss how youth can make a difference in talks of 20 minutes or less. The event will also feature a few official TED Talks in the form of videos.

Topics will range from awareness about endangered orangutans to the use of superconductors, with one underlying idea in common: how students are “Imagining a Better Tomorrow.” The daylong event will also feature several live musical performances, including the Seabury Hall Hawaiian Ensemble and Maui Flute Choir.

The TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall team strongly encourages all Maui County students to attend this year’s inaugural event and learn how they can make a difference in their community

“mailto:TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall”>TEDxYouth@SeaburyHall is not only an outlet of inspiration for the youth of Maui; it fundamentally creates a community where teens can exchange ideas to impact the future,” said Jacob Alabab-Moser of the Communications Team.

For more information, visit www.tedxyouthseaburyhall.com, www.facebook.com/TEDxYouthSeaburyHall or www.twitter.com/TEDxYouthSH.


County to host Volunteer Expo 2014

WAILUKU – The County of Maui Department of Housing and Human Concerns’ Volunteer Center will host the seventh annual Volunteer, Expo on Saturday, April 5, at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center.

The event will be held from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and include exhibits by 25 local nonprofit agencies, including the Maui Food Bank, Senior Companion Program and Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation. The organizations will provide educational information about their programs, goals and needs while actively recruiting volunteers for 2014.

The event kicks off National Volunteer Week 2014, which is held this year from April 6-13. The observance is designed to inspire, recognize and encourage individuals to engage in their communities.

The Maui celebration will include family-friendly activities, along with event entertainment by emcee Kathy Collins, Keoni’s Hot Lava DanceFit and musical group Mele Pono. Mayor Alan Arakawa will assist in honoring outstanding volunteers during the Volunteer Hero Ceremony. For Twitter updates on the event, guests are encouraged to follow #VolunteerMaui.

For more information, contact Wendy Stebbins, Volunteer Center coordinator, at wendy.stebbins@ mauicounty.gov or 270-7150. The official event flyer can be found at www.mauicounty.gov/volunteercenter.


County Recycling Guide available

WAILUKU – The county Recycling Section recently mailed the County of Maui Recycling Guide to about 70,000 addresses on Maui.

If you haven’t received one, e-mail recycle.maui@mauicounty.gov or call the Recycle Maui County Hotline at 270-7880.


Italian American Club of Maui to award scholarship

WAILUKU – A $1,200 scholarship is being offered by the Italian American Club of Maui. IACM is an Italian heritage club whose mission is to promote the Italian culture through fellowship, good food and friendship.

High school seniors may pick up the four-page scholarship application at their school office. All completed documents must be submitted by the postmarked date of April 28, 2014.

The Italian American Club of Maui meets monthly. Everyone is welcomed – you need not be of Italian heritage to join. Learn more about the club at www.ItalianAmericanClubofMaui.com


Foundation offers scholarships

WAILUKU – The Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Foundation recently announced the availability of several scholarships.

The foundation will award several $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors graduating in 2014, and it will also award one $1,000 scholarship to a student enrolled in the Maui Culinary Academy at the University of Hawaii.

“Providing scholarships has always been an important component of the Maui Filipino Chamber’s service to the community, and with the chamber’s foundation, we can do even more,” said foundation President Melen Agcolicol.

“The postmark deadline for the scholarship applications is March 31, 2014,” said Alvin Santander, chairperson of the Scholarship Committee. The high school scholars will be selected on the basis of their academics (30 percent); college entrance exams (20 percent); activities, awards and honors (15 percent); short essay (20 percent); financial need (10 percent); and letters of recommendation (5 percent). The college level scholarships will be selected on similar criteria.

The Maui Filipino Chamber Foundation raises funds for the high school scholarship program through its annual scholarship golf tournament, which was held on March 15 at The Dunes at Maui Lani.

The scholarships will be presented during the Maui Filipino Chamber’s Gintong Pamana Leadership and Scholarship Awards scheduled for June 18 at the Maui Beach Hotel.

Applications for the various scholarships are available at www.mauifilipinochamber.com and must be postmarked by March 31.


Park seeks trail steward volunteers

HALEAKALA – Do you enjoy hiking, spectacular views and educating people? Haleakal? National Park seeks fit and enthusiastic Maui residents to participate in the Kia`i Ala Hele trail stewards program beginning in June 2014.

The program will educate backpackers and day-use visitors about the natural and cultural resources in the wilderness area of the crater. Volunteers will hike popular trails in the Summit District of Haleakala National Park and provide information to visitors. “Kia’i Ala Hele” means guardian or caretaker of the trail.

“This is a chance for community members to teach park visitors about the geology, culture and unique plants and animals of Haleakal? and help the National Park Service protect this special place,” said Melissa Chimera, volunteer coordinator. Volunteers will educate visitors in wilderness ethics and Leave No Trace principles, and assist visitors in making informed decisions about back-country use and safety.

The application deadline is April 30. To apply, go to www.nps.gov/hale /supportyourpark/volunteer-opportunities.htm, click on the “Trail Stewards” position and apply at the bottom of the page. For more information, call 572-4487.


Youth drama classes slated at Boys & Girls Club in Lahaina

LAHAINA – Theatre Theatre Maui is again teaming up with the Boys & Girls Club of Maui, Lahaina Clubhouse this spring to provide exciting drama/improv classes for West Maui youth.

Creative and energetic Kristi Scott is teaching the classes for club members.

“Having grown up in theatre, I know that theatrical and improvisational training are huge factors in helping children develop and maintain self-confidence, quick-thinking and creative expression,” said TTM Executive Director Angela Thompson.

“Ms. Scott excels at providing this positive experience for the children of West Maui, and we are so happy to have her on-board with us again.”

Classes will be held on Mondays from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. at the Boys & Girls Club of Maui, Lahaina Clubhouse. Contact the club at 667-9314 for more information.