Hui O Wa‘a Kaulua seeks volunteer carpenters, woodworkers and finishers

Through the years, thousands of community members have donated to and worked on Mo‘okiha o Pi‘ilani. Final preparations are under way for the launch.
LAHAINA – Maui’s first deep ocean voyaging canoe, Mo’okiha o Pi’ilani, will launch at the winter solstice on Dec. 21, 2013.
Final finishing and outfitting this traditional double-hulled, two-mast canoe is underway at Hui O Wa’a Kaulua dry dock in Kamehameha Iki Park under the direction of Capt. Timi Gilliom.
Volunteers with woodworking, carpentry and wood finishing skills are asked to call the hui at 667-4050, e-mail or visit the dry dock at 525 Front St.
Some jobs that need to be done are building shelving in the hulls, constructing and installing stanchion rails, and building the navigators’ seats. Many canoe parts need sanding and multiple applications of varnish.
In addition to woodworkers, the hui needs volunteers to make ‘ukana nets, as well as kupuna volunteers to provide cultural support and encouragement to staff and volunteers.
Every Saturday, starting at 9 a.m., is “Volunteer Work Day.”
An active fundraising campaign is underway to pay for sails, anchors and safety equipment that cannot be built by hand.
To contribute your time or resources to this worthy project, contact Hui O Wa’a Kaulua at
Hui O Wa’a Kaulua is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Gifts are tax-deductible by law.