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COMMUNITY NEWS for February 7 issue

By Staff | Feb 7, 2013

The public is invited to join Na Hoaloha Ekolu as it celebrates Chinese New Year with Au’s Shaolin Arts Society. Celebrations with lion dances are slated at Aloha Mixed Plate on Feb. 15 at 2:30 p.m., Leoda’s Kitchen & Pie Shop on Feb. 15 at noon and Star Noodle on Feb. 15 at 7:30 p.m.

School to hold registration

LAHAINA – Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School kindergarten registration will be held Feb. 12-15 in the school office from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Children born in 2008 are eligible to enroll. Bring the child’s birth certificate, TB test, student health records and proof of residence (current utility bill, rental agreement or notarized statement of residence). Call 662-4020 for information.


Celebrate Chinese New Year on Front Street

In an ongoing program, Kimo’s Restaurant honors Lahainaluna High School “Educators of the Month.” Pictured, from left, are Kimo’s Marketing Assistant Laura Blears, PCNC Martina Nagasako (October), Student Activities Coordinator Art Fillazar (December), Janice Dapitan (November), Keith Ideoka (September) and Kimo’s Assistant General Manager Jack Starr. Winners receive a plaque, lei and $100 certificate to Kimo’s restaurant.

LAHAINA – Ring in the Chinese New Year in historic Lahaina Town on Friday, Feb. 15, from 5:30 to 9 p.m.

Festivities will kick-off with a martial arts demonstration at the Baldwin Home Museum lawn. A traditional lion dance will follow, visiting Front Street merchants and ending with a firecracker display at the Wo Hing Museum.

All are invited to join in this annual fete coordinated by LahainaTown Action Committee and Lahaina Restoration Foundation. This celebration of Chinese tradition and culture will include children’s arts and crafts, farmers’ market, “Year of the Snake” merchandise and delicacies from Fu Lin restaurant for sale.

The lion dance and fireworks display will be presented by Ben Seng Au’s Shaolin Arts Society.

The Baldwin Home Museum is located on the corner of Front and Dickenson streets, with paid parking located on Dickenson behind the Baldwin Home Museum. The Wo Hing Museum is located at 858 Front St. Call 661-3262.


Whale watch to benefit Lahaina Yacht Club programs

LAHAINA – Lahaina Yacht Club will hold a whale watch cruise aboard the Kaulana out of Lahaina Harbor on Sunday, Feb. 10, to benefit the LYC Junior Sailing Program, Keiki Christmas and scholarships

The event is set for 2 to 4:30 p.m. The cost is $30 per person; all are welcome. Light pupus will be provided; beverages cost $2. Sign up at Lahaina Yacht Club on Front Street. Space is limited.


Hawaiian Immersion Program open to all students

LAHAINA – Kindergarten public school registration for the 2013-14 school year is held in mid-February, and parents on the West Side have three choices.

King Kamehameha III Elementary School, situated in the heart of Lahaina, is available to students residing makai or mauka of Honoapiilani Highway from Lahaina to Honokohau.

Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School serves the families living in the community up Lahainaluna Road.

The third option, the Hawaiian Language Immersion Program (HLIP), is the path less traveled but offers the youth of West Maui a treasured opportunity.

“We want to remind people that we’re here,” Kumu Liko Rogers commented.

Kula Kaipuni O Maui ma Nahi ‘ena’ena is open to all West Side youth entering kindergarten and is located on the Princess Nahi’ena’ena campus.

Princess Nahi’ena’ena School supports the program and embraces this philosophy: “E ola ka ‘olelo Hawai’i (the Hawaiian language shall live).

Call Kumu Liko at 276-4741 for more information.


Volunteer drivers sought

LAHAINA – The Road to Recovery volunteer driver program needs more drivers from West Maui who are willing to volunteer, even once a week.

The Pacific Cancer Foundation will assist with gas mileage reimbursement for active drivers who request it.

Volunteers must have their own car, pass a DMV check and take an orientation class. Call the American Cancer Society at 244-5554 for more information.


Lahainaluna High School to hold mandatory meeting for seniors

LAHAINA – Lahainaluna High School will conduct two informational meetings for parents and guardians of students who will be graduating with the Class of 2013.

Attendance at one of the two scheduled meetings is mandatory to participate in Commencement Exercises on May 19, 2013.

The first meeting will be held on Sunday, Feb. 10, at 3 p.m., and the second is scheduled for Wednesday, Feb. 13, at 6 p.m.

Both meetings will be held in the Samuel Kamakau Library.

Topics to be covered include academic requirements for graduation, the required Senior Contract and commencement ceremony procedures.

For information, contact Lahainaluna High School Vice Principal Joanne Dennis or Senior Class Counselor Ilima Greig-Hong at 662-4000 between 7:45 a.m. and 2:45 p.m. Mondays through Fridays.