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COMMUNITY NEWS for January 10 issue

By Staff | Jan 10, 2013

The Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) will offer a free presentation on how to prepare for an unexpected disaster at Makawao Public Library on Monday, Jan. 14, at 6:30 p.m. in the Adult Reading Section. Nancy Kala, CERT Upcountry branch director, will explain potential hazards that may occur and discuss basic disaster response skills such as fire safety, light search and rescue, team organization and disaster medical operations. Learn how you can be prepared to take care of yourself and your family, and respond to a disaster situation in your community. This 45-minute program is suitable for ages 12 and older. Makawao Public Library is located at 1159 Makawao Avenue. For more information, call the library at 573-8785.

Celebration of life for Hultquist set

LAHAINA – A celebration of life for Kenneth “Kenny” Alan Hultquist II will be held on Sunday, Jan. 13, from noon until sunset at the north side of Canoe Beach Park.

Bring a lei and pupus.

Calabash contributions will be accepted at the event or at P.O. Box 1666, Lahaina, HI 96767 (make checks payable to Ellen Levinsky).

Come and share your Kenny stories. Musicians are welcome!

Alaeloa Residential Condominium Landscape Supervisor Fred Blue (seated) was honored and recognized for his many years of dedicated service during his retirement party held in December. Joining him in the celebration are (middle row, from left) coworkers Rolando Cabanting, Mauro Daliva and Manager Tim West, and (back row, from left) Alaeloa Homeowners’ Association Board of Directors’ President Tom Edwards and Treasurer Bob Johnston. A monkeypod bowl engraved with heartfelt thanks for his service was presented as a keepsake calabash filled with envelopes containing monetary contributions and well wishes toward his future endeavors. Blue also worked at several restaurants on Maui the past 25 years. That afternoon, he headed for the Honokowai Okazuya & Deli for his final night of work and has since joined his family on the Mainland.


Boy Scouts recycling trees

LAHAINA – When the holidays are over, and you are OVER that tree, call area Boy Scouts for tree removal.

Troop 190, a Boy Scouts of America Jamboree Unit, will provide curbside recycling pickup service in the West Maui area on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 8 a.m. to noon.

The suggested donation is $10 per tree. E-mail jambotroop190@gmail.com or call Netane Savou at 269-0647 or Ginny Hertz at 268-6795.

The Wharf Cinema Center’s Christmas Storefront Decorating Contest was a friendly competition between the shops and restaurants. The winner was Three D Gallery (pictured), which won $200 in “Wharf Bucks,” followed by Simon-Jon Gallery and KC Hawaiian Fashions. 

The troop is raising money to attend Jamboree 2013 at The Summit in West Virginia.


Shinnen Enkai dinner slated

KAHULUI – The Japanese Cultural Society of Maui will welcome the Year of the Snake at its annual Shinnen Enkai (New Year) dinner on Saturday, Jan. 26, at the Elleair Rainbow Room at the Maui Beach Hotel.

The event will begin at 5 p.m. with the traditional otoso (sake welcome) with no-host cocktail hour to follow. Dinner is scheduled for 6 p.m.

Cost for the buffet dinner is $50 for adults and $20 for children 5-10 years old (free for children ages five and under).

Tickets are available through the Maui Box Shop and Credit Associates in Wailuku, and Sanrio at Queen Ka’ahumanu Center. Tickets are limited and will not be sold at the door.

The event will highlight the past year’s programs sponsored by JCS Maui and will feature performances by 2011 KZOO Grand Champion Tevita Apina, known on stage as Hikariyama Torao, 16, of Honolulu, and Maui Taiko.

At the Jan. 26 event, Kay Fukumoto will be honored as the JCS Maui Nihon Bunka Awardee for 2013 for her excellence and contributions in promoting and perpetuating the Japanese culture, and for her willingness to share her talents with the community.

The event will also feature a silent auction with proceeds benefiting the club’s various projects. Any donations for the silent auction will be greatly appreciated. To make a donation, call Tiffany Iida at 276-5444.

JCS Maui will also arrange to dress attendees who wish to wear kimono; call 283-9999 for information.

For more information on the Japanese Cultural Society of Maui’s Shinnen Enkai dinner, call Yuki Lei Sugimura at 870-8047.


HMSA accepting applications for Kaimana Scholarship Program

HONOLULU – The Hawaii Medical Service Association (HMSA) is now accepting scholarship applications from Hawaii high school seniors graduating in 2013 for the eighth annual Kaimana Awards & Scholarship Program.

The application deadline is Feb. 15.

Kaimana Scholarships are awarded to student athletes who are role models for other students. Awards are based on the student’s athletic and academic achievement, sportsmanship and community involvement.

HMSA will award 21 scholarships valued at $3,000 each. Five distinguished recipients will be selected from the 21 honorees and receive an additional $2,000 each.

Applications are available for download at hmsa.com/kaimana and on the Hawaii High School Athletic Association website at www.sportshigh.com.


Kula Villager Maui Bus route launched

WAILUKU – The county Department of Transportation announced that the Maui Bus now provides daily service in Kula.

The Kula Villager Route #39 starts at 7 a.m. on Pukalani Street at the bus stop near the Hannibal Tavares Community Center entrance and will go as far as Rice Park. The bus loops in and out of portions of Lower Kula Road and serves 17 bus stops along the route.

The route will provide daily hourly service beginning at 7 a.m., with the last bus departing at 8 p.m. It will connect with the Upcountry Islander at Pukalani Street at select times during the day. Maui Bus fares are $2 per boarding or $4 for a daily pass. Monthly passes are also available.

Maui Bus schedules are posted on the county website at www.mauicounty.gov/bus.


Project Graduation ’13 funding available

WAILUKU – The county Volunteer Center announced that $45,000 in county funding has been made available for Project Graduation programs for 2013 graduating classes in an effort to promote alcohol- and drug-free graduation celebrations.

Project Graduation grant applications are available at www.handsonmaui.com. The deadline to apply is Feb. 1, 2013; notification of awards will be made by early March.

Applications must be e-mailed to Wendy Stebbins, Volunteer Center coordinator, at Wendy.Stebbins@co.maui.hi.us.

Great new volunteer opportunities are posted on the HandsOn Maui website. For information, call 270-7150.


House of New Life receives grant

KULA – House of New Life recently received a Hawaiian Tug and Barge and Young Brothers Maui Community Advisory Grant to help fund its Academy Pearson Program.

This grant will help the organization acquire computer programs used to help students who are not able to continue their education through the regular public education system due to difficulties with addictions or other life-controlling problems.

The academy is currently accepting applications for new students for the spring 2013 semester. Boarding and non-boarding positions are available. Interested parties should contact House of New Life at (808) 281-8163 for more information.

House of New Life is an interdenominational, faith-based program formed in 2003 for young men ages 15-25 and their families. The program currently includes professional counseling, support groups, community training, drug prevention and parenting classes.

A residential facility opened in Kula in September 2012. House of New Life is a nonprofit organization. Visit www.houseofnewlife.org for information.


Community loses Raymond Abihai Jr.

WEST MAUI – Raymond Abihai Jr., 63, of Puukolii Village passed away on Dec. 24, 2012.

Abihai was born on Nov. 7, 1949 at Pioneer Hospital in Lahaina. He attended Sacred Hearts School and graduated from Lahainaluna High School in 1968.

He moved to California in 1969 and graduated with a degree in business administration and a certificate in software programming.

Services will be held at Maria Lanakila Catholic Church in Lahaina on Saturday, Jan. 12, from 9 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. with mass at 11 a.m. Following the church services, scattering of ashes will be at Old Puukolii Gate (Kahikili Park).

He is survived by his wife, Henrietta; son Leimana Abihai; daughter Valerie Leilani Abihai; grandson Kalei; and aunt Angie Paki Solamillo, all from California.

He is also survived by his mother, Louise Abihai; brother Stanly Abihai and sisters Patricia Nishiyama and Leilani Amine, all from Lahaina. He leaves behind 11 nieces and nephews and 25 grandnieces and nephews.