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MOPS meets in Lahaina

By Staff | Oct 13, 2011

LAHAINA – Mothers of Preschoolers (MOPS) is a nationally recognized program designed to nurture mothers with children from infancy through kindergarten.

In 2011-12, West Maui MOPS invites you to join in the learning process as together they explore “MOMSENSE.”

According to Lola Ledbetter of West Maui Mothers of Preschoolers, “This year’s theme will equip you to embrace your mothering instincts and develop your own parenting style while navigating through the myriad of daily mom decisions. This is a great time to make new friends, share experiences and laugh together – all in a safe and loving environment!”

Beginning Oct. 20, the group will meet the first and third Thursday of each month, October through May, from 9 to 11 a.m. at Calvary Chapel Westside at 75 Kupuohi St. in Lahaina.

Registration is free, and complimentary, quality childcare will be available at the facility each week, as well as food and refreshments, all provided by West Maui MOPS fundraising and private donations. Contact Angela Leone at (760)525-6236/angie@leonedesigns.com.