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Comments sought for aging plan

By Staff | Sep 1, 2011

WAILUKU — The Maui County Office on Aging, a division of the Department of Housing and Human Concerns, invites the public to provide comments on the draft Maui County 2011-2015 Area Plan on Aging, which serves as the blueprint for aging programs and services.

The four-year plan provides an overview of demographics for residents age 60 years and older and adults with disabilities, the results of community needs assessments, and proposed funding and services through the local Area Agency on Aging.

Anyone interested in providing comments or testimony in person is encouraged to attend a public hearing at 2 p.m. on Tuesday, Sept. 13 at the Cameron Center Auditorium at 95 Mahalani St. in Wailuku.

Comments may be submitted in writing to the Maui County Office on Aging, One Main Plaza, 2200 Main St., Suite 547, Wailuku HI 96793 and must be postmarked by Friday, Sept. 23.

The plan is available for review at the Maui County Office on Aging and is also available online at www.mauicountyadrc.org.

For more information, or to request an auxiliary aid or service, contact James Mariano at 270-7755 or e-mail mcoa.adrc@mauicounty.gov at least seven days before the scheduled meeting.