Learn Zen Archery

Ellen Levinsky will be the featured artist at Lahaina Arts Society from Aug. 1 through Sept. 5. Using natural bird feathers to create unusual images that are three-dimensional and quite iridescent, her abstract and primitive figures travel across her handmade paper that she makes by recycling her junk mail. Meet Levinsky and view “Feather Fantasy 2011” at the opening reception on Saturday, Aug. 6, from 6 to 8 p.m. in the Banyan Tree Gallery in the Old Lahaina Courthouse. She will also hold demonstrations in the gallery throughout August. For more information, call LAS at 661-0111.
LAHAINA — Bodhi Hanna and Rick (Jyozen) Beal will conduct a Zen Archery workshop at Lahaina Jodo Mission on Aug. 5-7.
Hanna, who practices and teaches Zen Archery annually in Maui, Germany and India; and Beal, master of Zen, martial arts and Zen Archery, will introduce participants to Zen Archery (Kyudo), Zen Meditation, Hara Breathing exercises and Qi Gong.
The workshop will be held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day. The fee is $150, which includes lunch.
For information, contact Hanna at (808) 463-9656 or bodhihanna@gmail.com.