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Walk for better health

By Staff | Jul 28, 2011

WAILUKU — Maui County Nutrition & Physical Activity Coalition (NPAC) Coordinator Sandra McGuinness announced that NPAC will join the County of Maui in its “Walking on Wednesdays” program.

The walking event initiated and led by county Managing Director Keith Regan is a weekly program and part of the county’s overall health and wellness program launched in February by Mayor Alan Arakawa.

NPAC will join in on the walk every first Wednesday of the month beginning on Aug. 3.

Those interested in participating next week are asked to meet at the county Service Center in Maui Mall at noon. Prior to the start of the walk, Jean Sevilla, health and wellness director of the Maui Family YMCA, will start the participants off with some stretches and briefly discuss the importance of wearing appropriate footwear when walking. Exercise bands will be provided to all Aug. 3 participants.

NPAC’s mission is to improve county residents’ quality of life by reducing obesity and chronic disease by promoting healthy eating and physical activity through environmental and policy changes, education and awareness.

For more information on “Walking on Wednesdays,” call Tiffany Iida at 270-7211.