Rotary Valentine Dance aims to raise scholarship funds
LAHAINA — The Rotary Club of Lahaina is kicking off Valentine’s Day weekend Friday, Feb. 11, with its 20th annual Sweetheart Affair dance and auction to help raise funds for scholarships to students from local high schools.
The event from 6 to 10 p.m. is being held for the first time at the Sheraton Maui Resort and Spa. It will feature entertainment from Grammy Award-winning slack key musician George Kahumoku and dance music from Maui’s most requested deejay and emcee Dan Viola. Also enjoy the Sheraton’s signature pupus and a champagne cocktail.
Rick Nava, immediate past president of the Rotary Club of Lahaina, explained that the scholarship program is one of the most important initiatives the club undertakes each year. He said that last year, 19 students benefited from the program supported through funds raised at the Sweetheart Affair event.
“It’s a great Rotary Club tradition and one that has made a big difference over the years to many students continuing their education past high school and to their parents,” said Nava. He added that seniors from the following schools will be eligible for the scholarships in 2011: Lahainaluna High School, Lanai High School, Molokai High School and Maui Preparatory Academy.
Sweetheart Affair Program Chair Liz May said that solicitations are underway for items that partygoers can bid on during the live and silent auction planned. The club seeks donations of accommodations, rounds of golf, island activities, dinners and other items of value. The club also accepts monetary donations.
“We are so fortunate to have such a generous community that the auction part of the dinner is always a highlight and adds mightily to the success of the benefit,” she said. Donations can be dropped off to her at 5A Rent-A-Space at 3600 Lower Honoapilani Road.
Tickets for the Sweetheart Affair are $60 in advance and $65 at the door. Tables of ten with priority seating and valet parking sell for $750. Tickets for the Sweetheart Affair can be purchased by calling May at (808) 669-5200 or through any Rotary Club of Lahaina member.