5A Rent-A-Space to host tree lighting
HONOKOWAI — 5A Rent-A-Space’s third annual Holiday Celebration features “Santa’s Secret Wrapping Room,” which is free and open to the public through Dec. 24.
This decorated storage unit will hold a table, chairs, large rolls of wrapping paper, tape, ribbon — everything needed to get presents wrapped and kept secret!
5A’s Lahaina staff and General Manager Liz May want the entire community to know the holiday celebration is for everyone. The main events will happen on Saturday, Dec. 11, when 5A will host ornament making, free photos with Santa, their third annual Tree Lighting Ceremony just after dusk, and a family Christmas movie with popcorn, hot dogs and POG. It’s all free and everyone’s invited!
In addition, the Lahaina Baptist Choir will sing Christmas carols, keiki from the Napili Kai Foundation will entertain the crowd, and there will be a coloring contest for children.
Come visit the 5A Retail Center stores and get ready for the holiday season. May said, “This is our way of letting everyone know we’re grateful and to celebrate Christmas with our community in a meaningful, exciting and fun way.”
For more information, call 5A at 669-5200 or visit www.5Aspace.com.