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Lahaina Cannery Mall hosts free Mac computer classes

By Staff | Sep 30, 2010

LAHAINA — Lahaina Cannery Mall hosts free Mac computer classes for the public as part of its ongoing community outreach program.

The classes are organized and conducted by Robert Lozoff, who owns Mac Maven computer services. He covers basics, tips and shortcuts for Macintosh systems, products and programs.

“These classes benefit people of all comfort levels — beginners and beyond,” said Lozoff. “Basically, we’re here to help people learn how to use e-mail, browsers, digital photography and music in an efficient manner, to help people get maximum enjoyment out of their Macs.”

Interactive classes of six to eight attendees are conducted in a casual setting. Times are customized based on response, but generally held in the afternoon.

Classes address Mac navigation, storage, peripherals, adapters, Skype and VoIP telephoning, Wi-Fi connections, simple networking, downloading and installing applications, browsing, e-mail, iPhoto, iLife, iTunes, iWeb, iMovie, iTunes, iPhones, and word processing and spreadsheets in iWorks and Microsoft Office.

For more information, or to register, e-mail Lozoff at cannerymacclass@gmail.com.