Hurricane Expo slated at Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center
KAHULUI — The fourth annual Maui County Hurricane Expo will be held on Saturday, Aug. 14, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Free information about hurricane preparedness will be available from more than a dozen agencies at the center stage of Queen Ka‘ahumanu Center.
Both parents and keiki can learn how to get homes and family members ready for a hurricane. Different kinds of “go-kits” and first-aid kits will be on display, and free raffles will be held for crank flashlight/radios.
Hurricane season runs from June 1 to Nov. 30 in Hawaii, though high wind events can occur at any time of year. Residents should review their emergency kits and emergency plans at least once a year to replenish supplies and refresh water and medicines with expiration dates.
Hurricane shelters do not provide food or amenities, so all households should have a “grab-and-go” kit to bring to the shelter when evacuation is necessary.
This year’s expo will feature the Maui Chapter of the American Red Cross at center stage with a simulated hurricane shelter.
Maui County Commission on Persons with Disabilities will be available to discuss disaster planning for people with disabilities, and Maui Humane Society will share information about pet preparedness.
Stop by and spin the prize wheel to answer a “preparedness question” for a prize to add to your emergency kit.
Cosponsored by Maui County Health Volunteers (a Medical Reserve Corps unit), Emergency Preparedness Branch of the Maui District Health Office, Pacific Radio Group and Maui County Civil Defense Agency, the expo will bring together numerous organizations under one roof to offer practical and even fun ideas about preparing for emergencies. For more information, call 243-8660.