Weather Spotters needed on Maui
National Weather Service forecaster Ian Morrison will give an informal presentation about the major weather patterns that affect Hawaii and the hazardous conditions they may bring to the islands.
This free talk is open to weather buffs, media or anyone who wants to know more about trade winds, cold fronts, upper lows, Kona storms, tropical cyclones, or the difference between a tornado and a water spout.
This presentation on Hawaii weather patterns will be held Thursday, June 24, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at Hana Community Center, 5091 Uakea Road (contact Bob Collum at 270-7285), and Friday, June 25, from 2 to 4 p.m. at the Pacific Disaster Center, 1305 N. Holopono St., Suite 2 (call 891-0525).
The National Weather Service is also looking for volunteers for the Skywarn Weather Spotter Program. Spotters report hazardous conditions that assist in the warning process and help save lives and property.
For individuals attending the session who may be interested in becoming a Skywarn Weather Spotter, Morrison will explain what to look for and how to report it.
Spotters report tornadoes, hail, high winds, flooding, thunder and lightning, funnel clouds, waterspouts, high surf and any weather-related damage. Attendees do not have to sign up for the spotter program.