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Sierra Club to meet

By Staff | Jan 21, 2010

SPRECKELSVILLE — The Sierra Club Maui Group will hold its annual meeting Saturday, Jan. 30, from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Kaunoa Senior Center in Spreckelsville.

The free event will feature the Sierra Club’s annual awards, a panel discussion on “Sharing the Water,” special guests and a picnic lunch.

Jonathan Starr will give a power point presentation on the history of water in Maui. Featured panelists include tropical agriculture agronomist Dr. Paul Hepperly, Maui County District Health Officer Dr. Lorrin Pang, and traditional farmer, researcher and educator Hokuao Pellegrino.

The panel discussion will begin at noon and be followed by questions and answers.

“Sharing the Water” will be the theme of the Sierra Club’s 2010 panel discussion.

“Our Constitution recognizes that water is important to traditional Hawaiian agriculture and gathering practices, public water supplies and agriculture,” stated Maui Sierra Club Chair Lance Holter.

“Our challenge is to find the best way we can all share our water resources.”

Award recipients include Dick Mayer, Starr and Lei‘ohu Ryder.

For more information, contact Holter at holter@maui.net or visit www.MauiSierraClub.org.