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Hundreds of Census takers needed for Lahaina and Kahului

By Staff | Apr 30, 2020

LAHAINA – The United States Census Bureau is in need of hundreds of Census takers in the Lahaina and Kahului areas for the May through July operation.

These positions may be either full- or part-time, and applicants may create their own schedule.

Base pay is $24 per hour and over $30 per hour on Sundays, paid weekly. Training is paid, and there is a mileage allotment.

Applicants must apply online at 2020census.gov/jobs and be over 18 years old. The position is to help your neighbors fill out Census forms.

The operation will begin when the pandemic situation is declared to be safe.

For more information, call Maui Census official Ron Larsen at (602) 524-6709.

“The Census population count is taken every ten years to determine the allocation of governmental representation and distribution of billions in federal funds for roads, schools and many community programs,” Larsen explained. “Each person counted represents $20,000 of these funds to Maui. Please help us count our island inhabitants and please respond to your Census invitations.”