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Hawaii Chambers of Commerce, UHERO field new survey to gauge economic impact of COVID-19

By Staff | Apr 23, 2020

Sherry Menor-McNamara said, “This survey will also give us a foundation to plan for economic recovery and identify industries that need more assistance.”

HONOLULU – Chambers of Commerce across Hawaii and the University of Hawaii Economic Research Organization (UHERO) are partnering to field a new survey to study the economic impact of COVID-19 on Hawaii businesses.

Businesses can take the survey at hawaii.surveyshare.com/s/AYAG2CB, which measures changes in employment and employee wages, revenue, application rates for U.S. Small Business Administration loans and business outlook.

“We know that Hawaii businesses are suffering due to COVID-19 impacts. Accurate data on what businesses are experiencing will allow us to shape our continued response and put resources where they are needed,” said Sherry Menor-McNamara, president and CEO of the Chamber of Commerce Hawaii.

“The information from this survey will help UHERO analyze the impact of the COVID-19 shutdown on businesses and households statewide, and to better assess our existing projections,” UHERO Executive Director Carl Bonham said.

“This type of geographic and industrially-detailed information is not available from any traditional data source in real time, and it will be invaluable to our ongoing work.”

Previous Chamber of Commerce Hawaii surveys have informed legislative and learning opportunities.

The Chamber of Commerce Hawaii is updating its COVID-19 resource for businesses page at www.cochawaii.org.