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West Maui Directory launched

By Staff | May 4, 2017

WEST MAUI – West Maui Directory, an online portal, was created as a searchable directory for kama’aina, visitors and businesses to provide a convenient way to find what they are looking for exclusively in West Maui online.

In addition to the portal, West Maui Directory offers West Side businesses services like website creation, website makeovers, branding, search engine optimization – anything web-related, even apps.

Jack Palmer, a West Maui resident from 1980, has been developing websites for 20 years. He is the owner of HawaiiNET.net and WestMaui.net, as well as BestMauiShops.

Being a startup, West Maui Directory is offering businesses a Free Basic Listing. Sign up at WestMauiDirectory.com, e-mail Mail@ WestMauiDirectory.com or call (808) 364-1855.