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Maui Wedding Association elects new board

By Staff | Jul 16, 2015

The Maui Wedding Association’s new board includes (from left) Tambara Garrick, president; Michael Elam, vice president; Kymberly Marr, secretary; Tim Clark, treasurer; and Directors Jeane McMahon, Terri Ewbank and Scott Hughes. PHOTO BY TAD CRAIG PHOTOGRAPHYv

WAIKAPU – The Maui Wedding Association recently elected seven members to its board of directors for the 2015-16 term.

The election took place during MWA’s annual meeting on June 29 at King Kamehameha Golf Club.

Tambara Garrick, sales manager for Bubba Gump Shrimp Co. Hawaii, will serve as president for a third year. Garrick said, “I look forward to working with the new board to accomplish the goals of the association, which is to promote and connect Maui wedding professionals.”

Michael Elam, a musician with the local band Soul Kitchen, was elected vice president. Tim Clark, owner of Hawaiian Island Weddings Inc., who served as vice president for the previous term, will continue his board service as treasurer for the upcoming year.

Kymberly Marr of Makeup and Talent Hawaii was reelected for a second term as secretary, and Scott Hughes of Hughes Photographics will continue on the board as a director along with Jeane McMahon of Jeane McMahon Photography and Terri Ewbank of Elly’s Formalwear.

MWA produces The Maui Wedding Planner magazine and stages the annual Maui Wedding Expo, this year slated for Aug. 29 from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. at King Kamehameha Golf Club. For information, visit www.mauiweddingassociation.com.