Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua to host wellness event

“E Malama Kou Kino” will feature interactive workout sessions and educational seminars geared toward all levels of fitness.
KAPALUA – The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua announced Sept. 4-7, 2014, as the event dates for the hotel’s second annual fitness weekend, “E Malama Kou Kino,” which translates to “care for your body” in Hawaiian.
Visitors and the local community are invited to take part in this four-day fitness experience to help balance mind, body and spirit.
“We are pleased to bring this event back for a second year,” said Jay Heidenreich, director of sales and marketing for The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua.
“After such overwhelming feedback last year from our guests and the community, we knew we had something special and are proud to bring back together this talented and well-respected group of fitness experts on Maui.”
The resort has joined with Robert Ferguson, America’s diet-free life coach; Tai Chi expert David Dorian Ross; and strength and conditioning coach Nick Tumminello. Additional practitioners will be announced soon.
A detailed and diverse schedule is in development and will include interactive workout sessions and educational seminars geared toward all levels of fitness.
“E Malama Kou Kino” workout sessions and seminars will be complimentary for overnight guests of the resort. Outside guests and the local community can purchase daily passes by calling The Ritz-Carlton Spa, Kapalua at (808) 665-7079.
The latest event information and practitioner biographies can be found at www.ritzcarlton.com/kapaluawellness.
New this year is a special room package, Kapalua Serenity, being offered for “E Malama Kou Kino.” For information, call 669-6200 or visit www.ritzcarlton.com/kapalua.