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Duke’s Beach House recognizes Princess Nahi’ena’ena School faculty

By Staff | Apr 24, 2014

Pictured (from left) are Brian Stoneburner and Kylie Adolpho of Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School, and Darin Tann, Duke’s Beach House dining room service manager.

KAANAPALI – Duke’s Beach House recently recognized Brian Stoneburner and Kiley Adolpho of Princess Nahi’ena’ena Elementary School as its Faculty of the Month for January and February, respectively.

Stoneburner and Adolpho were selected by their peers for their commitment to the school.

Co-workers said Head Custodian Stoneburner is always available to help and remedy any issue. He and his staff continually provide great work on the upkeep of the school.

Third grade teacher Adolpho was nominated for her kind nature and always being available to help. She was also instrumental in organizing the intramural basketball program.

“Education plays such an important role in shaping our keiki’s future,” said Darin Tann, Duke’s Beach House dining room service manager.

“Duke’s Beach House is proud to honor the hard work that Brian Stoneburner and Kiley Adolpho are doing for this school and the children in our community.”

Stoneburner and Adolpho were each presented with an engraved koa box and a $100 gift certificate to Duke’s Beach House.

For information on Duke’s Beach House, call 662-2900 or visit www.dukesmaui.com.