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Duke’s Beach House launches contest for the best whale photos

By Staff | Feb 6, 2014

KAANAPALI – Every year at this time, Maui hosts one of the best shows nature has to offer, and Duke’s Beach House provides a front row seat for viewing the magnificent whales.

To celebrate the whale season, Duke’s Beach House is encouraging visitors and locals to capture great whale pictures, share them and win.

The best whale photo will win a $150 gift certificate to Duke’s Beach House. Five finalists will receive a $25 Duke’s Beach House gift certificate.

Photo entries can be submitted through March 1, 2014 via Duke’s Facebook page or Instagram. To submit photos through Facebook, upload your photos through the Duke’s Whale Shot app from Duke’s Facebook page at www.facebook.com/DukesBeachHouse. To submit photos via Instagram, upload your photo with the hashtag #dukeswhaleshot.

“During these winter months, we are given a great opportunity to share daily whale sightings with our guests,” said Marketing Manager KC Hendrickson. “We wanted to provide a fun way to showcase and share photos of these amazing creatures.”

The finalists’ images will be posted at www.facebook.com/DukesBeachHouse on April 7.

Facebook fans of Duke’s Beach House Maui will have a chance to vote for their favorite pictures until April 11.

The winner will be announced on April 14 at www.dukesmaui.com and on the Facebook page.

For more information and contest rules, visit www.dukesmaui.com/dukes- whale-shot.

For reservations or more information, call 662-2900 or visit www.dukesmaui.com.