Maui Master Gardener training set
KAHULUI – Applications for 2014 Maui Master Gardener training are now available. The deadline to apply for the University of Hawaii Cooperative Extension Service program is Nov. 8.
The 16-week class will meet on Wednesdays from 9 a.m. to noon beginning on Jan. 15 and running through May 7, 2014.
Topics to be covered include botany, soils, plant propagation, native plants, common plant pests and diseases, weed management, pesticide and food safety, orchids, lawns, vegetables, tropical fruits, organic gardening and integrated pest management.
Participants will learn how to disseminate unbiased, research-based information to the gardening community.
In exchange for the training, graduates of the course volunteer a minimum of 50 hours in order to become certified Master Gardeners.
Master Gardener volunteer activities include staffing booths at the Maui County Fair, hosting plant clinics and plant sales, conducting workshops, developing and maintaining educational gardens, writing advice columns at local newspapers and operating the help desk at the Maui County Extension Office, answering gardening questions.
The classes are open to adults (18 years and over) who love gardening and want to learn and share their knowledge with others in their communities through volunteer educational services.
Classes will meet at the Community Services Building at the University of Hawaii Maui College Campus.
The enrollment fee is $125 for training materials.
To receive an application to the program, contact Lorraine Brooks at 244-3242, extension 229, or e-mail