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Center hosts business workshops

By Staff | Jul 18, 2013

KAHULUI – The county Office of Economic Development holds free business workshops at the Maui County Business Resource Center in Maui Mall.

Seating for all workshops is limited; to register, call the center at 873-8247.

“Sales Skills 101 Communicating Your Way to a Better Future” with TJ Anderson will be held on Wednesday, July 24, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

This workshop will focus on the single most important aspect of selling: communicating.

Whether you want to become a great sales professional, need help communicating effectively in your relationships, or just want to become a more effective communicator overall, this workshop will help you achieve your goals.

Anderson served as a national sales leader for a Fortune 100 company and a sales manager for several companies.

“QuickBooks for Small Business” with Richard Kehoe, CPA, will be held on Thursday, July 25, from 5 to 8 p.m. The fee is $45.

Learn to set up your company’s QuickBooks in a small class setting with personalized tutoring.

This class for new users will teach you how to record sales, receive payments, prepare invoices and balance your checkbook.

Follow-up appointments are offered at no cost.

“Sales Skills 201 Role Playing” with TJ Anderson will be held on Wednesday, July 31, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

In this workshop, attendees will delve deep into the practical, hands-on side of the sales process.

Lessons and theory learned in the first class (Sales Skills 101) will be put into practice as participants role-play actual sales situations.

Specifically, the group will focus on three ultra-important aspects of selling: 1) asking good questions; 2) handling objections; and 3) finalizing the sale, or “closing.”

This will be a very “experiential” workshop, and all attendees are expected to participate.

In addition, the Maui Business Brainstormers will hold their monthly meeting on Tuesday, July 23, from 11:45 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

All are invited to attend; register online at www.meetup.com/MauiBusinessBrainstormers.