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Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Foundation to award scholarships

By Staff | Feb 14, 2013

Gintong Pamana Scholars are recognized at the 2012 banquet.

WAILUKU – The Maui Filipino Chamber of Commerce Foundation recently announced the availability of several scholarships.

Sharon Zalsos, foundation president, said, “The Maui Filipino Chamber Foundation is pleased to announce it will award several $1,000 scholarships to high school seniors who will be graduating in 2013. The foundation will also award several $500 scholarships for students enrolled in the Maui Culinary Academy at the University of Hawaii. And the foundation, thanks to the generosity of the Caldito family, will award the inaugural $1,000 Richard Caldito Government Service Scholarship for a college student majoring in government, political science or a related field.

“Providing scholarships has always been an important component of the Maui Filipino Chamber’s service to the community, and with the chamber’s foundation, we can do even more.”

Applications are available online at www.mauifilipinochamber.com. The postmark deadline to apply is March 31.

Scholars will be selected on the basis of their academics; college entrance exams; activities, awards and honors; short essay; financial need; and letters of recommendation.

The foundation raises funds for scholarships through its annual golf tournament. This year’s event will be held on March 16 at The Dunes at Maui Lani.

Since 1995, the Maui Filipino Chamber has awarded scholarships to 88 graduating seniors. “Last year, we raised enough funds to provide for six $1,000 scholarships, and we hope to improve on that,” said Bill Ruidas, tournament chair.

There are three different levels of sponsorship: Platinum ($1,100 for six golfers), Gold ($500 for three golfers) and Team ($375 for three golfers). Silver/Tee Sponsors are also available for $100.

The deadline to register for the three-person full scramble tournament is Feb. 28. Those who enter by Feb. 15 will be eligible for an early bird drawing.

Scholarships will be presented during the Maui Filipino Chamber’s Gintong Pamana Leadership and Scholarship Awards on June 19 at the Maui Beach Hotel.