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Officials to discuss West Maui projects at WMTA Annual Meeting

By Staff | Dec 27, 2012

LAHAINA – The West Maui Taxpayers Association’s 2013 Annual Meeting will convene on Thursday, Jan. 10, at Lahaina Civic Center.

Food service will begin at 5 p.m., followed by a short WMTA business meeting starting at 5:30 p.m.

Anyone who lives, works, visits or owns property in West Maui will find the WMTA Annual Meeting very informative.

For over 35 years, WMTA has worked with and for the West Maui community to promote infrastructure investment in roads, parks, health care facilities, fire and ambulance facilities, and numerous other community improvements.

Historically, WMTA has focused on investing tax revenues generated in West Maui on the key areas of health care, traffic problems and affordable housing.

The WMTA Annual Meeting presents a unique opportunity for taxpayers to hear from state and county officials responsible for investing tax dollars in a better West Maui.

There also will be presentations on Department of Transportation projects, the proposed West Maui hospital, Kahoma Village and much more.

This year’s Annual Meeting is sponsored in part by Paradise Grill & Round Table Pizza, which will provide dinner service, and West Maui Improvement Foundation.

Sponsors are recognized in press releases before and after the meeting, the event program brochure, WMTA website and WMTA newsletter. To become a sponsor, contact WMTA at 661-7990.

Everyone with an interest in West Maui issues is invited to the WMTA Annual Meeting, but voting on association business is restricted to dues-paying members. Visit www.westmaui.org or call 661-7990.