County to hold second Permitting Open House

“The open house was so well-received that we are doing it again. And we’ll keep holding these sorts of gatherings as long as the community says it is working for them,” said Mayor Alan Arakawa.
WAILUKU – The County of Maui will hold its second Permitting Open House on Tuesday, Dec. 4.
The open house will be held on the ninth floor of the Kalana O Maui building from 1 to 4 p.m. in the Mayor’s Conference Room. Register at the front when you walk out of the elevators.
At the event – an initiative of Mayor Alan Arakawa’s Permit Process Improvement Team – representatives from the departments of Planning, Public Works, Environmental Management, Water and Fire will all be in the same room at the same time to answer questions from the public regarding any permit concerns.
Attendees are encouraged to bring their building plans and other supporting documents.
According to the county, the last Permitting Open House on July 6 was received with great enthusiasm from the community.
Many residents were able to get concerns resolved immediately after seeing department representatives. Others were able to schedule follow-up appointments to talk in further detail.
“We had residents, developers, those in the construction industry and real estate industry all come up and have face-to-face meetings with department personnel,” said Mayor Arakawa.
“In some cases, they were able to discuss an issue with one department, then switch seats and meet with the next department about a related issue, making for a very efficient afternoon.”
For more information on the Permitting Open House, call Capital Improvement Program Coordinator Wendy Taomoto at 270-6258.