Bank of Hawaii volunteers ‘Teach Children to Save’

Chuck Yeaman from Bank of Hawaii taught King Kamehameha III School fourth-graders how to save money.
LAHAINA- On National “Teach Children to Save Day” on April 24, bankers across the country taught young people the fundamentals of finance.
King Kamehameha III Elementary School was visited by Bank of Hawaii employee volunteers Chuck Yeaman, Ann Neizman, Kevin Baptist, Vanessa DeLima, Curtis Tom, Henry Shin and Jacqueline Eason.
They shared with the fourth grade classes the importance of saving, how interest makes money grow, how to determine needs vs. wants, and how to budget.
This is the fourth year that Bank of Hawaii has participated in the “Teach Children to Save” program, reaching almost 4,000 students around the state.
Kahana Branch Manager Chuck Yeaman said, “Studies show that children can and should start to learn about money at preschool or early elementary school age. We are very grateful to the schools for giving us this opportunity. Teaching children how to save and budget will help them manage their finances in the future.”