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Enjoy one-stop career shopping at High Tech Maui Holiday Fair

By Staff | Dec 22, 2011

KIHEI – On Dec. 29, kama’aina job seekers living or going to school on the Mainland will have a perfect opportunity to meet with employers from top Maui high tech companies.

The tenth annual High Tech Maui Holiday Career Fair is scheduled at Maui Economic Development Board’s Ke Alahele Center from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Attendees will find a high demand for Information Technology (IT) and GIS/GPS professionals, as well as engineering and research positions.

The popular event helps job seekers learn more about tech employers on the island, as well as discuss job requirements face-to-face.

At the same time, Maui-based companies have the opportunity to relay company information to skilled kama’aina attending Mainland colleges and former and current residents.

The networking can lead to lucrative internships or even permanent positions.

Companies that have regularly participated in the fair include Akimeka, The Boeing Company, Workforce Development Division, Maui High Performance Computing Center, Ardent MC, Oceanit and the Pacific Disaster Center.

Interested job seekers are invited to pre-register online and/or upload their resume for employer review at www.womenintech.com.

Since the holiday career fair began in 2002, nearly 800 applicants have submitted resumes, resulting in a growing number of success stories over the years.

For more information, contact Mapu Quitazol at 875-2343 or e-mail mapu@medb.org.