Craig Swift leading MEO’s Business Development Corp.

WAILUKU — Maui Economic Opportunity Inc. (MEO) last week announced the appointment of Craig Swift as its MEO Business Development Corp. (BDC) director.
“We are pleased to welcome Craig to the MEO ‘ohana,” said MEO CEO Lyn McNeff.
“Craig brings a wealth of knowledge and enthusiasm to the position. His expertise in microlending and business training will greatly benefit the clients, program and community. We are looking forward to working with Craig and his team.”
Swift brings more than 20 years of experience in the field of finance, business and economic development to the position.
The majority of his career was spent at Lokahi Pacific as a loan programs manager and business analyst. He also has been a lecturer at the University of Hawaii Maui College, teaching a course in small business management.
Swift received his Masters in Business Administration from the University of Hawaii and undergraduate degree from the University of Washington.
MEO Business Development Corp. is a nonprofit microenterprise development program that provides microenterprise loans, business planning classes and consultation services to the residents of Maui County.
MEO BDC offers small business startup or expansion loans ranging from $500 to $10,000. Step loans up to $25,000 are also available after six months of on time payments on the initial loan.
The program also offers emergency loans to small businesses needing a small amount of money to get them over a cash flow crunch. This fund offers $200 to $2,000 in loans per client and a very quick turnaround time from application to funding.
MEO BDC also offers Core Four Business Planning — a 30-hour course that helps analyze business opportunities and plan for success.
MEO BDC’s mission is to promote self-sufficiency for Hawaii’s people through strategically placed microloans and training for local entrepreneurs.