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Brighton Collectibles supports Patient Navigation Program

By Staff | Apr 22, 2010

Leslie Cockett, manager of Brighton Collectibles in Whalers Village, presents the donation to Jeff Scharnhorst of the Pacific Cancer Foundation.

KAANAPALI — Brighton Collectibles in Whalers Village recently donated $630 to the Pacific Cancer Foundation for its new Patient Navigation Program.

These funds were raised during Brighton’s “Power of Pink” promotion during Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

“We are incredibly grateful to Brighton Collectibles in Kaanapali,” said Jeff Scharnhorst, executive director of the Pacific Cancer Foundation.

“They are truly a partner in our community in helping our Maui ‘ohana in their fight against cancer.”

The owner and founder of Brighton, Jerry Kohl, explained his dedication to making a difference in the lives of those fighting cancer.

“Watching someone go through successful treatment can be brutal, and if treatments do not work, it’s heartbreaking,” he said.

“I know this because I lost my own brother to cancer — liver cancer. To succeed in this cause which profoundly impacts us all, it will take each one of us doing our part and giving generously to the charities.”

The nonprofit foundation provides access, knowledge and support to Maui cancer patients. Its goal is to help improve the quality of life of cancer patients and assist them in their fight against cancer.

All money raised for the Pacific Cancer Foundation is spent on Maui cancer patients. For more information, call 243-2999 or visit www.pacificcancerfoundation.org.