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Maui County Business Resource Center hosts workshops

By Staff | Feb 11, 2010


WAILUKU — The county Office of Economic Development coordinates free “Brown Bag” lunch workshops at the Maui County Business Resource Center in Maui Mall.

“Talk Story about Starting a Nonprofit” is scheduled for Tuesday, Feb. 16, from noon to 1 p.m. with presenter Stuart Funke-d’Egnuff, executive director for the Tri-Isle Resource Conservation & Development Council.

Learn the real reasons why people want to develop this type of business entity.

Leslie Mullens will present “Building a Bankable Marketing Plan” on Wednesday, Feb. 17, from noon to 1 p.m.

Why is it that some companies strike gold with their advertising dollars and others fall flat?

You must be intimately familiar with your target market and craft a marketing plan that speaks directly to those customers. 

“Taking Control of Your Credit” will answer questions about credit and how it affects your ability to acquire financing to start or grow a business.

Attend on Thursday, Feb. 18, from noon to 1 p.m. to find out what a credit score is, how to clean up your credit, dispute basics and more with instructor Delia Wilson, loan fund manager with MEO Business Development Corp.

Learn about “Starting a Business in Maui County” on Wednesday, Feb. 24, from noon to 1:30 p.m. with Anna K. Ribucan of the county Office of Economic Development.

This seminar covers general information and requirements for starting a business in Maui County.

“Government Contracts for Small Maui Companies” will be held Thursday, Feb. 25, from noon to 1 p.m.

Every product or service acquired by the government is done through a bidding process. MEO’s Business Development Corporation (BDC) is partnering with the Hawaii Procurement Technical Assistance Center to assist businesses in becoming successful federal government contractors. Evette Lau of BDC will lead this workshop.

Seating for all sessions is limited; reservations are requested by calling 873-8247. Attendees are asked to bring their own lunch.

The center also offers free business counseling sessions with experienced SCORE counselors.