Class covers Internet marketing

Mary Traynor is the founder of Akamai Promotions.
KAHULUI — “Marketing Your Business on the Internet” begins Tuesday, Sept. 29, at VITEC-Continuing Education & Training at Maui Community College.
The power of the Internet has radically changed our ability to be heard around the world, and smart business owners are tapping into the power of the Internet age.
Join Mary Traynor, marketing and public relations consultant, in this introductory course on Internet marketing.
Learn how your business can expand its global outreach and build customer relationships by mastering the new rules of the world wide web.
Topics include cutting-edge search engine optimization techniques, blogging, social media, Internet video, podcasting, online publicity and e-mail marketing.
The class will meet Sept. 29 and Oct. 6 from 6 to 8 p.m. The fee is $66 (Lahaina News readers will save 10 percent off on the $74 class).
For more information, or to register, call VITEC-Continuing Education & Training at 984-3231.
During these challenging economic times, VITEC is offering a variety of discounts on classes.
Students on Twitter can now learn about daily last-minute specials by following VITEC “tweets” at VITEC_MCC.
Students can instantly save 20 percent off any one VITEC class by becoming a member of the VITECBenefits e-community. It’s free to join, and members will receive VITEC’s monthly “e-zine” containing the latest news, updates and exclusive monthly discounts.
Keep updated on monthly specials by visiting the VITEC website at and clicking on the “Specials” tab.
VITEC’s mission is to promote lifelong learning through high-quality noncredit training in the areas of workforce and economic development, computer technology and personal enrichment.
Goals include enhancing the professional and personal lives of residents and visitors, and increasing the competitiveness of its businesses to meet the challenges of a dynamic, global marketplace.