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MEO to offer summer jobs for youth

By Staff | May 28, 2009

WAILUKU — As part of the president’s American Recovery and Reinvestment Act, Maui Economic Opportunity has received funds to employ 65 low-income young people ages 16-24 for six weeks beginning in June.

The jobs will be in the private and public sector, depending on the interests and abilities of the applicants. Part of the program involves classroom job readiness training, but the main goal is to provide meaningful work experience for participants.

“We’re thrilled to be able to offer the low-income youth of our community work experiences, work readiness training and additional income for their families in these most difficult times,” said Maui Economic Opportunity CEO Sandy Baz.

Youth interested in applying for these positions must meet low-income criteria. For example, a family of four would have to have earned less than $33,201 in 2008 in order to qualify. If the family’s circumstances have changed since last year, they may be eligible based on their year-to-date and projected income.

Applications are available online at meoinc.charityfinders.org, call 873-3101 or e-mail dennise.engano@meoinc.org. Once the application is filled out, youth who think they may qualify should go to MEO Youth Services at 189 Kaahumanu Avenue in Kahului. Bring proof of income in the form of 2008 tax return, pay stubs, public assistance ID or unemployment verification.

In addition, applicants must bring their Social Security card; birth certificate, alien registration card, naturalization certificate or passport; family size verification (if not presenting tax returns, then a copy of the lease, landlord statement or welfare verification); and selective service (registration or record).