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Wayno Cochran opens surf shop

By Staff | May 7, 2009

HONOKOWAI — Veteran surfboard shaper Wayne “Wayno” Cochran just opened a brand new retail location for Maui Surfboards.

Established in the 1960s, Cochran has been creating hand-built custom surfboards in West Maui for over 40 years. This is Maui Surfboard’s first retail outlet open to the public.

In addition to custom boards, the shop specializes in rentals for a wide range of essential ocean and beach activities. The shop rents snorkel gear, surfboards, boogie boards and guitars.

Vintage ukuleles, aloha shirts and Hawaiiana decorate the walls.

Maui Surfboards is located at the intersection of Honoapiilani Highway and Halawai Drive, right next to the West Side car rentals “and downwind from the infamous Honokowai sewage treatment plant,” Cochran noted.

Locals have already nicknamed the shop “Kilah Wiffah Surf Shop,” and the jingle goes, “If you can smell ’em, dats where dey sell ’em!”

Cochran said the venture is patterned after the old time surf stores, where anyone could drop by and talk story. Check it out!

For information, call Cochran at 264-2648.