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Jarret Roback to perform free Hawaiian Music Series concert

By Staff | Jul 28, 2016

Guitarist Alan Villaren will accompany Jarret Roback (pictured) during the July 28 concert.

LAHAINA – Well-known on Maui as a firefighter, singer-guitarist Jarret Roback will perform at Lahaina Restoration Foundation’s free Hawaiian Music Series concert on Thursday, July 28, from 6 to 7:30 p.m. in front of the Baldwin Home Museum at the corner of Dickenson and Front streets in Lahaina.

Roback’s father was a policeman and musician, so Jarret naturally followed his father’s footsteps into civil service and playing music. He has been employed with the Maui Fire Department for over 26 years and entertaining for more than 20 years at various TS Restaurants in West Maui and at Monkeypod Kitchen in Wailea since its opening in 2011.

His time spent on the Maui music scene has seen him partnering with some of the finest musicians in Hawaii. He has performed with John and Ernie Cruz Jr., Sistah Robi Kahakalau and Lehua Kalima, and he currently plays with Joshua Kahula.

Limited seating is provided; blankets, mats and low beach chairs are welcome. This ongoing Hawaiian Music Series program is sponsored by Hawaii Tourism Authority, the County of Maui Office of Economic Development and The Outlets of Maui with support from KPOA-FM.

For more information, call the Lahaina Restoration Foundation office at 661-3262, see Lahaina Restoration.org/events or visit Facebook.com/LahainaRestoration.