Students encouraged to enter Water Conservation Poster Contest
WAILUKU – The county Department of Water Supply is currently accepting entries from Maui County students for its third annual Water Conservation Poster Contest.
The contest is open to public, private and home-schooled students from kindergarten to 12th grade.
Entry deadline is March 9.
Every student who creates and submits an entry will receive a Certificate of Participation.
Winners will receive U.S. Savings Bonds of $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place.
A total of 18 prizes will be awarded with first, second and third prizes presented to winners in each competition level. Winners will also receive a Certificate of Achievement.
Honorable Mentions will receive gift certificates, and top winners will be recognized at an event in the Mayor’s Office.
The department’s goal is to educate Maui County’s students on the importance of water conservation and encourage them to take an active role in ensuring the sustainability of Maui County’s water.
Students should portray the theme “Malama I Ka Wai” (to take care of the water) and include a water conservation message in their artwork.
Students may draw or paint their entry on 11-inch by 17-inch white paper, and complete and attach the entry form available at
Contestants may mail or drop off their entry and form to the Department of Water Supply, Water Resources and Planning Division at 2200 Main St., Suite 102, in Wailuku (One Main Plaza), or to the Deputy Director’s office on the fifth floor of the Kalana O Maui Building in Wailuku.
To see last year’s winners, go to
More information on the competition is available at or by calling the Water Resources and Planning Division at 463-3108 or 463-3104.