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Top Hawaii recording stars to perform at World Whale Day

By Staff | Feb 16, 2012

The music lineup for World Whale Day at Kalama Park in Kihei on Saturday, Feb. 18, includes John Cruz (left), Anuhea (right), Willie K, Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real, Marty Dread, Hapa and Nuff Sedd. Admission is free.

KIHEI – One of Maui’s most popular events, Pacific Whale Foundation’s World Whale Day (formerly Whale Day) on Saturday, Feb. 18, is a free, all-day celebration honoring the humpback whales that come to Maui each winter.

The event will launch with Maui’s Parade of Whales from 9 to 10 a.m. With the theme “World of Whales,” the parade will travel along South Kihei Road, beginning at Alanui Keali’i Drive and moving northward past Kalama Park to end at Kihei Public Library on Waimaihaihai Street. The public is invited to view the parade and join in the fun.

Newly expanded, World Whale Day is set for 10 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. at Kalama Park in Kihei.

The public is invited to enjoy free live entertainment by some of Hawaii’s top recording stars, including Willie K, John Cruz, Lukas Nelson and Promise of the Real, Anuhea, Marty Dread, Hapa and Nuff Sedd, plus hula and fire dance performances by Manutea Nui E.

The day also features great food by Maui restaurants, activities and a Keiki Carnival with bouncy rides for kids, huge “Made on Maui” artisans fair and environmental displays.

Last year, more than 18,000 Maui residents and visitors attended World Whale Day.

On Wednesday, Feb. 22, the foundation will hold a Whalewatch and Natural History Hike along the Lahaina Pali Trail at 7:30 a.m.

Enjoy spectacular views of the ocean and any whales in the area during this free, guided, 5.5-mile hike led by a Pacific Whale Foundation naturalist.

The hike is open to adults over age 15 who are fit, experienced hikers. Space is limited to 13 participants.

Free transportation will be provided from PWF’s Ocean Store in Maalaea to and from the trailheads. To register, call Call 249-8811, extension 1. The hike will be offered again on Wednesday, March 28, and April 25, 2012.

For more information on these events – part of the Maui Whale Festival – visit www.mauiwhalefestival.org or call 249-8811, extension 1.