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Hawaiian Music Series to feature Ho‘opi‘i, Ahue and Friends

By Staff | Jul 7, 2011

Kawika Ho‘opi‘i (left) will be joined by Kumu Hula Cliff Pali Ahue for the free show at the Baldwin Home lawn on Thursday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

LAHAINA — Join Lahaina Restoration Foundation for great Hawaiian music by falsetto and cha-lang-a-lang extraordinaire Kawika Ho’opi’i at the Baldwin Home lawn on Thursday, July 14, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.

Bring your lunch, mats, chairs, friends and family for this free treat!

Stemming from a family with deep roots in Hawaiian music, Ho’opi’i carries on the traditional style of music that surrounded him in Kahukuloa Valley, where he was raised.

His extraordinary falsetto voice and cha-lang-a-lang style of playing the ukulele have taken him all over the country. He has accompanied Hawaii entertainers such as Hawaiian Heart, Amy Hanaiali’i, Willie K and The Leo Nahenahe Serenaders.

At the concert, the Kawika Ho’opi’i Trio will be joined by respected cultural connoisseur and Kumu Hula Cliff Pali Ahue to share the traditional arts of culture through music, dance and storytelling.

Ahue is an accomplished choreographer, composer, musician and dancer. He credits much of his success to the time spent studying under Winona Beamer.

In 1986, he founded halau hula Na Maile Ku Honua with a goal to contribute to the multidisciplinary art form of hula through education, participation and respect for the knowledge of Na Kupuna.

Relax under the shade trees and enjoy the free concert brought to you by Lahaina Restoration Foundation. Chairs are limited; blankets, mats and low beach chairs are welcome.

The Baldwin Home Museum is located in the heart of Lahaina on the corner of Front and Dickenson streets. Call 661-3262 or visit www.lahainarestoration.org.