Villaren, Ruiz to play free Hawaiian Music Series show

LAHAINA — Join the crowd for live Hawaiian music by duo Mika Villaren and Keoki Ruiz at the Baldwin Home lawn on Thursday, May 12, from 11 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.
Bring your lunch, mats, chairs, friends and family for this free treat!
Playing music for over 30 years, Villaren is a free spirit and has quickly become Lahaina’s Ambassador of Aloha. He offers ukulele and coconut weaving classes at Kaanapali Beach Hotel to anyone wanting to learn.
Villaren enjoys sharing his love of music by participating with different bands and functions. He will be accompanied by longtime friend and entertainer Keoki Ruiz at Thursday’s concert.
Relax under the shade trees and enjoy this free concert presented by Lahaina Restoration Foundation.
Chairs are limited, so blankets, mats and low beach chairs are welcome.
The Baldwin Home Museum is located in the heart of Lahaina on the corner of Front and Dickenson streets.
This concert is part of the foundation’s ongoing Hawaiian Music Series supported by the Hawaii Tourism Authority and county Office of Economic Development. Call 661-3262 or visit