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Michael Black, Jon Sanders to play two intimate concerts

By Staff | Nov 11, 2010

Maui Celtic is bringing Michael Black (left) and Jon Sanders to Maui.

The Celtic duo of Michael Black and Jon Sanders will play two Maui concerts this week.

Black, a member of Ireland’s foremost family of song, and Sanders, the “Bard of Bouzouki” and “Duke of Uke” will play Friday, Nov. 12, at Mulligans on the Blue in Wailea.

Starting at 6 p.m., the cost for the dinner show is $45. Tickets for the show only at 7 p.m. are $18. Reservations are required; call 874-1131 or visit www.mulligansontheblue.com.

Then on Saturday, Nov. 13, the duo will play a house concert at 7 p.m. at 142 Baker St. Lahaina.

Tickets are $20. Free parking will be available at Lahaina United Methodist Church. For more information, call 264-5190 or 661-0420, or visit www.mauiceltic.com.

Black has toured internationally and recorded with his siblings — Mary, Frances, Shay and Martin — as The Black Family and with his brothers as The Black Brothers.

His recently released self-titled debut CD was lauded on both sides of the Atlantic.

According to concert sponsor Maui Celtic, “The sheer joy of singing heard in every note of his thrilling tenor voice, lively introductions and easy audience rapport make Michael a musical delight to relish again and again.”

An Irish Times critic noted, “There’s enough pristine music tucked inside Michael’s solo collection from the eldest of the Black Brothers to power a rocket.”

Kiwi guitar, bouzouki and ukulele wizard Sanders is in demand by Ireland’s finest traditional performers.

He is known to have a “genteel guitar style, drenched in a love of obtuse rhythms and melodies.”

His new album, “Twigs of the Neem Tree,” received great praise across the music industry.