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Maui Celebrity Series continues with Tom Arnold

By Staff | May 20, 2010


LAHAINA — The Maui Celebrity Series will present Tom Arnold & Friends on Saturday, May 29, at 9 p.m. at The Maui Theatre in Lahaina.

This evening of stellar stand up comedy will also feature Hawaii comics.

Starting at $15, pre-sale tickets are available at The Maui Theatre and www.Groovetickets.com.

Arnold is an American actor, comedian and television host who first became famous in the 1980s with a comedy routine called “Tom Arnold and the GoldFish Review.”

He became a writer for the television sitcom “Roseanne,” and after successful seasons, starred in his own sitcom called “The Jackie Thomas Show.”

In 1994, Arnold appeared in the James Cameron feature film “True Lies.” He later served as a host of Fox Sports Net’s talk show, “Best Damn Sports Show Period.”

Arnold had his first romantic leading man part in the 2005 movie “Happy Endings.” That same year, he starred in “The Kid & I” with Eric Gores.

Since 2008, he has hosted the CMT show “My Big Redneck Wedding.”

The Maui Theatre is located in Old Lahaina Center at 878 Front St.