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‘The Wild Hawaiian’ to perform at Duke’s Beach House

By Staff | Feb 25, 2010

Henry Kapono’s Na Hoku Hanohano Awards include “Male Vocalist of the Year,” “Song of the Year,” “Single of the Year” and “Album of the Year.” Photo by James Garrett.

KAANAPALI — Duke’s Beach House will welcome legendary Hawaiian singer Henry Kapono to its stage on select Friday nights.

 “The Wild Hawaiian” will perform from 4 to 6 p.m. on Feb. 26 and March 5, 12 and 19 at the new restaurant located at the beach at Honua Kai Resort and Spa. There is no cover charge.

“We are so excited to have Henry Kapono as part of our live entertainment lineup at Duke’s Beach House,” said General Manager Shaughn Helliar.

“Henry’s concerts on the beach at Duke’s Waikiki… have a huge following, and now we’re keeping the tradition going on Maui with his Friday performances here at Duke’s Beach House.”

An award-winning and Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter, Kapono has taken home numerous Na Hoku Hanohano Awards.

With 14 solo albums under his belt, he has become a household name throughout Hawaii and the Pacific. His music has taken him all over the world.

For information, call 662-2900 or visit www.dukesmaui.com.