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Amy Hanaiali‘i to sing at ‘Black Tie & Slippers Gala’

By Staff | Jan 21, 2010

Four-time Grammy Award nominee Amy Hanaiali‘i will perform at the the “Black Tie & Slippers Gala,” a benefit for Imua Family Services.

KAHANA — Imua Family Services’ signature event, the “Black Tie & Slippers Gala,” is set for Saturday, Feb. 6, from 5:30 to 9 p.m. at Roy’s Kahana Bar and Grill. 

The gala will feature a gourmet dinner presented by Chef Joey Macadangdang of Roy’s Restaurants, live auction and intimate show with four-time Grammy Award nominee Amy Hanaiali‘i.

This year’s benefit will honor Michael Moynahan, a retired Navy officer and chairman of the Roy’s Restaurants Golf Classic. 

He is a strong supporter of Imua Family Services through Roy’s annual golf tournament. More than $400,000 has been raised in the tournament’s 12-year history to help children with disabilities.

“We acknowledge Mike not only as one of our long-standing supporters, but as an advocate for Imua Family Services’ programs,” said Imua Executive Director Karen Jayne.

“We are grateful for his selfless work that has so enriched Imua, and are excited to honor him at this year’s ‘Black Tie and Slippers Gala.’ ”

Sponsorships are available for patron tables of eight starting at $1,000; individual tickets are available for $125 per person. Special room rates are available at The Ritz-Carlton, Kapalua and the Sheraton Maui Resort & Spa.

Seating is limited; guests are asked to call Priscilla Veilleux at 244-7467, extension 222 to purchase tickets.

Imua Family Services provides comprehensive early childhood development services to children and their families. 

Each year, more than 2,500 community members on Maui and Lanai receive support from Imua Family Services through the Infant & Child Development Program, Early Childhood Development Program, Newborn Hearing Screening, and Camp Imua. 

For information on Imua Family Services, visit www.imuafamilyservices.org or call 244-7467.