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5A Retail Center to host tree lighting and holiday celebration

By Staff | Dec 17, 2009

5A Rent-A-Space’s tree lighting and holiday celebration will take place on Saturday, Dec. 19.

HONOKOWAI — The third annual tree lighting and holiday celebration will take place Saturday, Dec. 19, at 5A Rent-A-Space and the 5A Retail Center, 3600 Lower Honoapiilani Road.

The event provides residents and visitors a place to celebrate the joy of the season.

The event is free, and everyone is encouraged to come and enjoy the festivities. Families can snack on free hot dogs, POG juice and popcorn, and pose for a free photo with Santa from 4 to 5:30 p.m.

The annual lighting of the 5A Rent-A-Space Christmas tree will take place at 6 p.m., and the evening will culminate with a family friendly holiday movie from 6:15 to 7:45 p.m. 

“It’s just a small gesture of our thanks to the community for their years of support, and our way to celebrate the holiday season,“ said Kathy Roussel, manager at 5A Rent-A-Space, Lahaina.

“This event has been such a success each year, we again wanted to reach out and share it with our neighbors and island visitors.”

5A will continue to gather food for the Maui Food Bank. There is a great need this year, and the food bank will be very grateful for all donations.

5A asks for a small donation of the most needed items: canned meats or fish, vegetables or any high-protein meals.

5A Rent-A-Space and Retail Center in Honokowai is also home to Pizza Hut, Sweet Trade Tattoo, Healing Hands Chiropractor, I Love It Maui Jewelry & Gift Store, Zensations Spa, Maui Beach Properties LLC, All About Fish, Honokowai Okazuya & Deli, The Fish Market Maui and Ohana Tacos.

For more information, call Larry or Kathy at 5A Rent-A-Space at 669-5200 or visit www.5aspace.com.