Gilliam to teach floral design at Growing Dreams

WAILEA — Growing Dreams Floral & Fashion Extravaganza will mark its ninth anniversary with Hitomi Gilliam, a mega-star in the world of floral design and member of The American Institute of Floral Designers.
Maui Youth & Family Services’ signature event will be held on Saturday, Aug. 29, at the Fairmont Kea Lani Resort in Wailea.
Talented musician and kumu hula Napua Greig is also slated to perform.
Registration begins at 9 a.m., and the event begins at 10 a.m.
Hailing from Canada, Gilliam is a noted floral designer, lecturer, instructor and author specializing in contemporary abstract style.
“This year, we have some fresh ideas, as well as some of our popular favorites,” said event Chair Jennifer Bleier Lake.
“We are delighted that we were able to coordinate with Hitomi’s calendar. She is an incredible talent and brings her unique contemporary design to the event,” she added.
“Growing Dreams is moving back to the Fairmont Kea Lani, our home for the first six years, and we are bringing our newest tradition of the Flower Shoppe and Duckie Pond with us, as it was a huge hit last year.”
Tickets for the event are $125. Guests may purchase tickets online at and going to the Growing Dreams page. For more information, call 280-1175 or 357-5422.
Maui Youth & Family Services is a comprehensive social services agency whose mission is, “Building better lives with Hawaii’s families.”
MYFS offers a continuum of services for adolescents and their families, including foster family programs, prevention programs and outpatient treatment for substance abuse and behavioral health treatment.
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